Who Loves You Most?

I would guess that, for most people, their is no human that will love their children more than the children's own parents.  We want what is best for our kids, even when it will inconvenience us.  We want to see them succeed, learn, and grow into wonderful people.

That is one reason why I think it is important, when possible, for children to be raised by their own parents versus a day care situation.  Now before you get upset at that, I do believe that if you have to work to put food on the table you have to do what is best.  And ideally in those situations, you will have a grandparent, or someone close to you that will take your child in while you have to work to provide.  After all, they will still probably love your child more than a group day care would, and hopefully share some of the same values that you do.

But this post isn't really about day care, it is about who loves you most.  As I sat thinking things over (I do that occasionally), something hit me.  Something I need to take very seriously for myself.

You see, sometimes I am too concerned about what others think of me.  I can desire confirmation of my worth from others, and when I don't get it, I get sad.

But what about your revelation, you ask?  Well this is what I realized: that like putting my child in day care with someone that won't love them as much as I do, I sometimes put my well being in the wrong hands.  Instead of looking to other fallible human beings to help me feel better, I should be looking to the one that loves me most, my Heavenly Father!  He knows what is best for me.  That confirmation I get from someone may not be what is best for me.  Have you ever had a friend side with you when you were wrong?  Yeah, that is what I am talking about.  Or maybe some loneliness is God's way of getting my attention (ever send your kid to a time out to think about what they have done?).

So I need to remember that if I am doing right, it doesn't matter what response I get from other humans.  What matters is if I have done what God wants.  The very God that loves me more than any other being does or can.  My Father loves me most!


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