Non-Dairy "Ice Cream"...Vice Cream

You don't have to be plant based to appreciate a good bowl of non-dairy ice cream...or should I say Vice Cream?  This cookbook, by Jeff Rogers, has over 70 dairy free recipes.  While I admit I have only tried three of the "ice cream" recipes so far, Chocolate, on page 19, Peanut Butter, on page 25, and Apple Strudel, on page 59, I have been happy with the results.


Full disclosure here, sometimes I alter ingredients to fit my needs.  One of my current needs is to avoid sugar in desserts -- it makes me want to keep eating sugary foods.  My solution is to use dates or date sugar (ground, dried dates).

The Chocolate recipe I took to an ice cream social.  I replaced the maple syrup with dates and water.  It turned out well, and one friend marveled that it was so much like ice cream yet with healthier ingredients.

The Peanut Butter recipe has a bit of a grainy texture to it, but the flavor is great.  The recipe calls for 1 cup of maple syrup, so I replaced that with 1 cup of dates and about 1/2-3/4 cup water.  I also used 1 1/2 vanilla beans in place of the extract. The last time I served it, I topped it with this date sweetened 3 ingredient fudge sauce (sorry, no pics!).  Yum!  If you want to try the Peanut Butter Vice Cream recipe, head on over to Kahakai Kitchen.  The only ingredient difference is the book calls for 1/8 teaspoon of almond extract instead of two.

The Apple Strudel recipe was nice and refreshing with plump (soaked) raisins and chopped apple mixed in.  Since my daughter doesn't care for nuts in her foods, the pecans were left as an optional topping.  This does not call for sugar because it flavors with apple juice.  Since coconut milk has saturated fat, I substituted that with 1 cup of cashews and 1 cup of water.  

So which recipe am I considering next?  Black Forest on page 39; I enjoy the flavor combination of chocolate and cherries.  Mmmmm!

In looking the recipes over, some of them have you juicing produce to get the flavors you need.  Since I don't have a juicer, I may not try all these recipes.  Some I can work around because, for example, I can find apple juice in the store.  But others (rhubarb juice, anyone?) I may have to just enjoy the concept and move on.

Do you have a favorite non-dairy "ice cream" you like?


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