Recipe Review: Cucumber, Ginger, Mint & Lemon Lemonade

Recently a sister in Christ sent me a video on how to make this recipe: Cucumber, Ginger, Mint & Lemon Lemonade.  Now I don't know about all the health claims this site makes, but it was a hot day and this recipe sounded good to me, so I got the ingredients and gave it a try.

I cheat on recipes sometimes.  This one calls for juicing 3 lemons, but I didn't want to take the time.  So, bottled lemon juice to the rescue, about 3/8 of a cup worth (2 T lemon juice per lemon).  Also, I don't have or care to use stevia, so I threw in a handful of raisins (remember my post about raisin water?).  I also used only 1/2 a cucumber.

I enjoyed the flavor of this recipe, and have made a second batch since then.  For me, 1/2 a cucumber was about right.  I don't notice the ginger, but the mint, cucumber, and lemon make their presence known in a nice way.

Do you have a favorite beverage recipe for those hot summer days?


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